What can we help you with?

Frequently Asked Questions

Bookings, Tickets & Reservations

How do I book a flight?
My child turns 2 during the trip
How do I cancel/amend a booking?
What is Refund Protect?
Who are Blue Ribbon Bags?
What do I do if my baggage goes missing?
How do I know when my reservation is confirmed?
How do I find my Fly Fairly reference number?
How do I find my airline locator?
What's the ticket validity period?
Can I still travel if my passport is nearly expired?

Payment methods & Charges

Is it safe to use my credit and debit card details?
Failed payments
Payment methods to pay for flights
Which credit and debit cards do you accept?
Is there an extra charge for taxes on flights?

Baggage and Seats

How do I add baggage/seats to my booking?
How much baggage can I check-in?
How do I see what seats and bags I have on my booking?

Flight Search

What are the fare rules of my ticket and what do they mean?
Can I search by a specific airline?

Passenger and flight details

I have a spelling mistake on a passenger name
Why have you not asked for my passport details?
What is an e-ticket?

Check-in Information

How do I check-in?
What documentation do I need to present at the airport check-in counter to collect my boarding pass?